Whenever you think about investing in a cryptocurrency, make sure you have the analysis and assurance that the investment you are going to do in that cryptocurrency will overcome the test of time. The cryptocurrency market is unstable, and it is impossible to accurately predict the price cryptocurrencies will achieve over time. So, invest only what you're prepared to lose, and use your best judgment and your own research.

I conduct a fundamental and technical analysis of each cryptocurrency I invest in as part of the development of my portfolio and selection of cryptocurrencies. In summary, I evaluate the project and its founders in the fundamental analysis, and I evaluate the graph's behavior throughout the cryptocurrency's lifetime in the technical analysis.

50% of the portfolio consists of cryptocurrencies with a good fundamental analysis, a good project with great utility and solid founders. On the technical side, the cryptocurrency must behave with an exponential chart and consistent growth signs throughout its life.

40% of the portfolio consists of cryptocurrencies with a good fundamental analysis, which means that the project is interesting and may be useful in the future. However, there is no evidence of continuous expansion or exponential growth in technical analysis.

10% of the portfolio consists of cryptocurrencies that are riskier because they are newer projects, their founders are unknown, or there are no indicators of long-term growth in their technical analysis.


I'll outline which currencies are in my portfolio based on what I've just said and the distinction between the three points of analysis:


- 50% of the portfolio consists of Bitcoin, Luna, Avax, Matic, Polkadot, Cosmos and Near Protocol.


- 40% of the portfolio consists of Cronos, XRP, Ada, One, Mana, Sandbox, DFI and Kyber Network.


- 10% of the portfolio consists of Tonic, FEG, MBL, ALI.


Ethereum, Solana, Apecoin, Audius, Livepeer, Powerledger, and Humanscape, are some other projects that I find fascinating and should be explored when building a portfolio.


I do not plan to analyze each of the cryptocurrencies in this article; I will save it for more technical articles. What I'd like to do is describe the structure of my portfolio and how it's monetized in a straightforward manner. Staking is a big part of my portfolio. The majority are staked in the Crypto.com wallet with a three-month staking period, where Bitcoin can earn 3%. p.a., Luna 4% p.a., Avax 4% p.a., Matic 11% p.a., polkadot 11% p.a., Cosmos 4% p.a., Cronos 6% p.a., One 4 p.a., and Tonic 2% p.a.. In CakeDeFi, I'm staking DFI with an APY ranging from 31.50% to 71.88%.

There are also systems that allow for bigger returns, such as exceeding 100% of the staking value per year. However, I prefer to deal with what I am familiar with, which helps me feel confident in the investments I make, which is the case of Crypto.com and CakeDeFi. Binance or Coinbase Wallet are also good options if you feel more comfortable with these apps.