There are two simple ways to mine cryptocoins on your computer without having to own a top computer! You can mine with your desktop, laptop or even your phone. Better yet! With these methods you can even mine with all the equipment you own at the same time and thus be able to increase profitability. You don't believe me? So, take a look at the two methods that in a very brief and succinct way I will present in this article.

Both methods are very simple. In a few minutes you can start mining on your computer. The first method consists of using Cudo Miner. Cudo Miner is very simple to install and use. Start by accessing the CudoMiner website to open an account. After entering your personal area, connect a device and download the application.

It is possible to mine on different systems among them Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, among others. So, the first step when setting up is to choose your operating system and move on to installing the Cudo Miner application.

Once the installation is complete, before you start mining you will have to manage your devices and how you want them to work. You may decide to use the CPU and GPU or just one of them. In the settings of the application, you should define the behavior of Windows defend and enable workloads. GPU algorithms are all active by definition but you can turn off if any are not working correctly. In Scheduling you can schedule the app to work or not when you use the device, schedule automatic activation within a set period, or for the app to turn on at sign-in.

When you start mining, on your dashboard, you'll have all your system data and mining behavior and the forecasting potential gain per month so you can control your passive mining income.

The second method is, CryptoTab Browser, it is a browser that mines on your computer or as an application on your phone. CryptoTab Browser allows you to mine bitcoin only.

CryptoTab is very intuitive and simple to install and use. Start by accessing the CryptoTab Browser website via the link ( to download the application. After following the steps presented for the installation an icon will be created in your computer. The CryptoTab Browser will open automatically and we will find a browser very similar to Google Chrome browser.

In the upper right corner of the browser you will find an icon with the CryptoTab logo. Clicking this icon will open a new Tab and you will start mining Bitcoin. You can continue to use your browser and your computer and mine at the same time.

If you want to use your phone, go to your device's app store, and install the CryptoTab app. After installation done, log in with your account and activate to start mining.

Note that, installing CryptoTab VPN, will give you access to a higher mining speed in the order of 1000H/s. The base speed of CryptoTab is 300H/s. Also note that, to use more than one device you will need to log in with the same account on all devices. In this case just start mining and keep all devices open in CryptoTab to mine with the devices simultaneously and thus increase their gains.

Don't count on getting rich with CryptoTab! That won't be the case, and I know you're not counting on it either! It is important to realize that with regular use and access to only one device, you will be able to get approximately 0.00001 Bitcoin per month. This amount may increase considerably if you have more devices at the same time and especially if you have affiliates connected to your account.

As an extra, I would also like to tell you about a browser that allows you to mine alternatively to CryptoTab. I am talking about the Tangled Browser; the main difference is that in CryptoTab the currency it receives is Bitcoin while in Tangled the currency it receives is Millix. Give it a check here:

It is possible to use both systems, Cudo Miner and CryptoTab, at the same time but the mining speed will basically be diluted by the two systems. Therefore, if the purpose is to mine bitcoin, it is more convenient to mine with only one of the systems. If you want to mine more than one cryptocurrency, then you can mine bitcoin in CryptoTab and another currency in Cudo Miner.  

In my case, I chose to mine Monero with Cudo Miner on desktop and laptop and with 3 phones I use CryptoTab to mine bitcoin. The more devices you manage to have assets the higher your mining speed will be considering the sum of all devices.